Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm Gonna Miss This?

The pictures are a little hard to decipher.

They are tents.

Forts. Hideouts. And whatever else my boys call them.

Right in the middle of my living room.  

One of them has been there since Friday.

The other one arrived yesterday.  

Did I mention they are right in the middle of my living room?

I prefer them to be down in the basement.

Far, far away.

Yes, I realize I am the mom.

I realize I could nix this in about .2 seconds.  

I realize it is my fault that I am complaining about something I could change.

But here's the thing - you should have seen their elation when I told them they could sleep in their tents.  On a school night.  Whoa.

I am a cool mom.
(The fact that the wind was howling in their bedrooms and I wasn't interested in kids waking up in the night had absolutely nothing to do with it. Promise.)

This morning they were still elated.


Sort of.

I was not.  




It's times like this I keep reminding myself to be thankful for the messes.  

Trace Adkins says it best...

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this...

He's right.  Someday I will miss this.

But stepping on Legos...

I will NEVER miss stepping on Legos.

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