Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New House Rules

It has come to my attention lately that we are in need of a few new rules around here. Some of them benefit me, some of them benefit my kids, and some of them are just necessary no matter whom they benefit.

New Rules:

1) A new load of laundry cannot be started unless the load that is finished is folded and put away. Lest you think this is a slam on my husband, let me make it perfectly clear that this is my issue, not his. I will either conquer this problem of clean laundry everywhere, or no one will have any clothes to wear.

2)The two year old is not allowed to beat his mother at wii games any longer. It just isn't good for my self-esteem.

3) No one is allowed to use the words "don't like", or any similar version of, upon first glance of the food that is set before you at dinner. I'm getting very close to resorting to the phrase, "You want something you 'don't like'? I'll show you something you 'don't like'."

4) The kitchen will be clean before I go to bed. As with the laundry, either I will conquer the dirty dishes issue, or I will be incredibly, insanely tired.

5) Dirty clothes will not be on the floor within 5 feet of anyone's laundry basket. Seriously, why do we do this?

6) Just because the laptop is on does not mean you can use it. You must ask first, and for goodness sake, wash your hands first, and QUIT TOUCHING THE SCREEN!

7) There will not be any candy for breakfast. There has been no candy for breakfast for the 1,084 days you have been on this earth, and there will not be candy for breakfast any time soon. You may stop asking.

8) You may not play baseball in the house. The basement is still in the house.

I can feel things running smooth already...


Jamie said...

1. What is the point? I mean this is just silly - who folds and puts away clean clothes...except maybe Steph.
2. LoL!
3. If you would quit cooking and just start throwing down some hotdogs for every meal - problem solved.
4. Ok, I repeat number 1 here.
5. It's just easier to drop and go.
6. But if the screen has something really cool on it...it has to be touched!
7. Just give 'em candy for crying out loud!
8. Ummm, you have 2 boys. There will be baseball in the house as well as wrestling, basketball, football, and any other contact sport created and some made up on the spot. I grew up with 2 brothers...you will not escape this.
Great try on the rules though! wink, wink.

Rhonda said...

I'm packing their suitcases right now. They are moving in with you!

Carolyn said...

i'm so glad i wasn't mentioned in any of these... i'm such the perfect child!!!hahahahahaha... jk...

flute4peace said...

Thanks for the chuckle - I have several of the same issues. Just wait till they're 12. Then all you care about is that they don't smell. LOL.