Friday, February 27, 2009

GPS for Heaven?

3 yo: "Mommy, where's Jesus?"

Me: (Knowing there are several possible answers here, none of which are easy to explain, I opt for the ever-easy...) "In Heaven."

3 yo: "Where's Heaven?"

Me: "Well, we can't see it right now, but it's where you go after you die." (Yes, I know there's more to it.)

3 yo: "But where is it?"

Me: "It's not on this earth, honey. We can't see it."

3 yo: "But WHERE IS IT?"

Me: "We don't really know exactly."

3 yo: "Can we drive there?"

Me: "No, we can't drive there."

3 yo: "So why don't you know where it is?"

Me: "Want to watch a movie?"


Anonymous said...

didn't that happen when askin where brother was?... but that is awesome!

Jamie said...

I've been known to use candy in the past to quit the constant question asking! Love this!

flute4peace said...

I think you handled that well :)