Thursday, January 29, 2009

Test Run

Birthdays are a big deal around here - mostly because of the cake. My sister-in-law is an incredible cake decorator and has donated hours of her precious time for every one of my boys' birthdays. We've had trains, Bob the Builder, Thomas the Tank Engine, sports, tractors, name it, she's done it.

This year, however, I have a cake decorator living in my house. So for the first time in six years, I'm giving my sister-in-law a break.

This is the cake my almost-three-year old wanted:

Tomorrow I have to take a cake to class. Any cake, it didn't matter what kind, so tonight we did a test run on the birthday cake to see if we could do it.

Here's what he's getting. Or at least something similar to this one...

It's not perfect, but he'll never know the difference. Odds are, though, that the one for his birthday in two weeks will be a complete flop.


Casey said...

The cake looks great!! You guys did a fabulous job!! I'm sure the one in two weeks will be just as good!

Stephanie said...

I agree with Casey. Looks really good!

Carolyn said...

wow.... whoever did that cake with you should go pro! for realz! ya'll should do that for a living... tee hee....

Anonymous said...

You both did a really good job!! Hint from someone who has had to do a similar type cake: You could take either graham crackers (crushed) or brown sugar and mix with the crushed oreos for dirt.

flute4peace said...

Looks great! I've used brown sugar for the sand piles before, too. Looks like a fun birthday!