Friday, November 7, 2008

To say that the past week has been stressful is the understatement of the year. But, we're all busy and stressed at some level, so I'll spare you the details. Let's just say I haven't been all that pleasant to deal with, I've consumed copious amounts of sugar, and I actually felt a little giddy yesterday when my 2 yo came down with a fever because I was forced to clear my entire schedule for today. OK, maybe not giddy, but I sure haven't had any trouble seeing the "glass half full" of this situation.

In spite of the craziness, we continue to have Comedy Central - the 2 Year Old version - living right in our house. Here are some recent moments that have kept me smiling.

~The other night we were walking through Target and I noticed my two year old suddenly laying down spread eagle on his stomach on the floor. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Just licking the floor, mom." And I wonder why he's sick.

~After retrieving his Sonic slushy from the counter a few hours after it was purchased, he came running to me shouting, "Mom, the coldness has melted all out of my slushy!"

~Yesterday evening I was asked about going to play outside. I told him no he couldn't, because it was cold and windy outside and he was sick. He cried out, "I'm not sick, I just have a fever!!"

~And my personal favorite..."Mom, does Bob the Builder work?" "Yes," I said, "I think he does."
"No he doesn't. He just helps Wendy!" Right on, kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

target was awesome!