Monday, April 7, 2008

I was innocently washing dishes (with my back to my children) this morning while the boys were eating breakfast.

2 year old: "Dooonnnn'tttt!"

5 year old says nothing.

2 year old: "Dooonnnn'ttt!"

Me (to the 5 year old): "What are you doing?"

5 year old: "Nothing."

Me: "You are obviously doing something. Why is he screaming?"

5 year old: "I'm not doing anything wrong."

Me: "Were you kicking him?"

5 year old: "No, I was just putting my foot on his."

Me: "Why?"

5 year old: "Because he did it to me first."

Me: "Please keep your feet away from each other."

5 year old: "But mom, I just learned those Bible words that say 'Do to others what you want them to do to you!' so he must want me to put my feet on him."

Me: "Uh...................................."

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