Monday, April 14, 2008

He Keeps Us Laughing

To retain my sanity, I have to find the humor in the midst of breaking up fights, folding laundry, officiating time-out, cooking meals, and pretending to clean.

Here are some of our latest laughing moments...all involving our 2 year old's speech and language development.

While walking down the stairs "like a big boy"...

"No. Don't hold my hand. I had a Thomas birthday cake. I'm old now."

While touching his ear like he does when it hurts (oh great):

Me: What are you doing with your ear?"

Him: "Taking it off."

After he screamed at the top of his lungs:

Him: (stops and looks at me first) "Hey boys. Stop screaming. That's what mama says."

And just this afternoon:

"Mama. My tongue hurts. Take it out!"

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