Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Soccer...ummm...."Experience"

Tonight was our son's first soccer's see....hmmm....hour. Yeah, that's it - soccer hour. It's soccer for 3, 4, and 5 year olds academy style. The local college soccer team comes in and works with these kiddos on ball handling and basic soccer skills and games. I was amazed at how well these college soccer guys held the interest and attention of multitudes of little boys running all around in a frenzy.

In 40 degree temperatures. And 20 mph winds. In April. What's not to love about living in the Midwest?

I was convinced the entire freezing hour that my child would beg me to not make him come back to soccer anymore. He is typically a side-liner kind of kid. I was just shocked he stuck with it the whole time this evening. On the way to the van I was telling him how it will be much more fun next time when it is warmer. He said, "but can we do it just one time?" Great. Here comes the battle of whether or not we finish what we start, money down the drain, etc., etc. As I started on my lengthy monologue about how he needs to give it another try, blah, blah, blah, he turns and looks at me and says, "I was talking about that slide over there, mom. Can I go down it just one time?"
Maybe there is hope after all.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

With the wind chill I think it was 18 degrees out there. The kind of cold that causes one to NOT be able to feel the snot on one's face...hypothetically.