Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I got an interesting email today. It's an excel spreadsheet created to give you all kinds of statistics about yourself after you enter in your birthday. I now know that I have been alive for 393 months, or 287,250 hours, or 1,034,100,085 seconds...whichever way you prefer to count it out.

I also discovered that I have been wasting my life away sleeping. No wonder there are so many things in this world that I want to do that I haven't yet accomplished. I've spent 3,990 days sleeping, which is 10.9 years, which is 33% of my life! OK, so technically, we all spend approximately 33% of our lives sleeping, but 10.9 years of my head on the pillow seems crazy.

Which leads me to ask...why am I so stinkin' tired????


Anonymous said...

I spent more time on the retirement statistics - 13,108working days until I can retire? Ugh. I think it's a very good thing I'll get to sleep a lot during that time!

Casey said...

I want a link to this!! It might give me a concrete reason for my clinical depression!!