Sunday, March 16, 2008

10 Weekend Moments

1) Dinner out Friday night at Outback Steakhouse. After a week stuck at home with sick kids, this was heavenly!!

2) I got home from dinner Friday night to discover that my boys had been allowed to sleep together in my 5 year old's double bed. I woke up a million times that night awaiting the disaster that would result from the 2 year old not being in his crib. No noise, no issues, no problems. Amazing.

3) The next night the boys wanted to do it again. "Sure," we thought, "it's great for everyone." Or...maybe not. The little brother kept climbing out of bed -- because he could -- and the big brother would try to catch him and take him back before we heard what was going on. Like we wouldn't hear little footsteps and a little bigger footsteps running up and down the hall. It was a really good effort by big brother, but not very effective.

4) My husband lovingly agreed to see a chick flick with me on Saturday. We walked into the theatre and he immediately said, "I feel a bit outnumbered here." Sure enough -- there were 12 women and 0 men.

5) I replenished my sacred make-up supply at Beau Monde. This is a big deal in my world. It would be a big deal in your world too if at age 32 you had more face issues than most teenagers.

6) My husband decided to teach our five year old about multiplication. Huh? I guess it was initially "by accident" but he has now spent two days trying to figure out "2 sets of 6, 3 sets of 3..." and on and on. Oh my. The kid cannot even brush his teeth decently or spit out his toothpaste without soaking the entire counter or mirror. I'm thinking multiplication can wait.

7) My friend just checked into the hospital tonight to get the induction process going! Yay! There should be a baby arrival by this time tomorrow (or I will have one seriously sad friend...).

8) My husband took the day off tomorrow. It makes Sunday night not quite so depressing.

9) I have created a grand total of 16 playdough hats, 32 playdough feet, ("make another man, mommy!") and painted more watercolor pictures this weekend than I thought humanly possible. My child who cannot sit still long enough to count to ten will apparently sit for over 2 hours if you throw enough art his direction.

10) I got nuthin' for this one. Good night.


Jamie said...

Hmmmm...number 9 sounds oddly familiar. I suppose that doesn't make you feel very happy, huh?

Stephanie said...

Your boys are so blessed to have each other! FYI: Play-Do is loaded with gluten.