Sunday, December 16, 2007

You Know You Live In The Middle of Nowhere When...

Two different storms last week left us cold and without power for a few days, and then running around in our snow boots a few days later. Since I missed my Friday 10, I'll take this moment to enlighten you with this list.

You know you live in the middle of nowhere when...
  1. The dirt road you live on is smoother after the snow drifts across it than it was before it started snowing.
  2. Your electricity is off, but you can't completely move the entire family out because someone has to stay to bail water out of the sump pump every two hours. So you have buckets and buckets of water sitting in your basement, but...
  3. You have no water to shower with, drink, or flush toilets with because it takes electricity to run the well.
  4. The "neighbors" across the way have to park their cars in the road because there are so many tree limbs covering the yard that they can't drive in the driveway.
  5. You question if the trash truck will actually come to your house on the scheduled day.
  6. The electric company tells you that they will have power back on sometime in 1 - 30 days.
  7. It is pitch black in the house when the lights go off because your yard light turned schizophrenic two years ago when the power line to your house got struck by lightening.
  8. Your electricity still goes out three times each day, even though your power is officially "back on" again.
  9. You grill steaks in near blizzard-like conditions because you promised your friends and because no one can see you performing this idiotic task.
  10. You can't see where the road ends and where the driveway begins because of all the drifting - and you only got five inches of snow.

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