Sunday, December 9, 2007


My 1 year old loves music of any kind, and loves singing everything he can remember. His latest favorite is a camp song I sang as a young child. The boys and girls always had a competition to see who could sing their part the loudest. It's the "Hallelujah" song.

"Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah"
"Praise Ye The Lord."
"Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah"
"Praise Ye The Lord."
"Praise Ye The Lord."
And so on...

I've been singing this to my 1 year old while we rock for a few minutes before bed. He's starting to sing with me.

So tonight I sang: "Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah"

Then I stopped to see what he would do.

He belted out: "Craa-zy Lord"

Close. But not quite. We may have to work on that line before he's allowed to sing in church.


Jamie said...

Smiling and wishing I could rock him before bed tonight! You are so blessed, what a gift your kiddos are from that craa-zy Lord.

Stephanie said...

Reminds me of Camp Mennoscah...