Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Taking a Poll

Part of a phone conversation with my husband yesterday afternoon:

Me: I'm actually accomplishing something today. I finally got the bathrooms clean.

Him: OK.

Me: Have you not noticed how horrendous they were?

Him: Umm, no.

Me: Are you serious? I think they had already starting packing up in search of a new owner who might take better care of them. You really didn't notice?

Him: I'm a man.

I was shocked (not that he's a man...). My husband isn't necessarily a neat freak, but he likes things picked up, and he is definitely not a slob. Is this really a guy thing? I wasn't sure whether to be really disturbed or really thankful that he isn't harping about having the house perfect.

So I'm taking a poll. If you're reading this, and I know you are because you just read that line, let me know your opinion. Is this a guy thing at your house?

After much reflection, I guess I should be really thankful. At least he is not packing up in search of someone new to take care of him.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's a guy thing in my house too. For some reason, they just don't "see" the mess. Sometimes I think it's a gift, frankly!

Jamie said...

Not the case at my house. What does that mean?