Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Passing the Time

Here's a quick week-in-review for our family.

Monday Night: Fire Auxiliary Meeting
Tuesday Night: Fire Training for Firefighters completing their first year
Thursday Night: Fire Training for the entire department
Friday Night: Clean the Fire Station to get ready for Christmas Open House
Saturday: Spend most the day at the Fire Station for Christmas Open House

See a theme here? We're even sporting the gear at our house.

So, what do we do to pass the time while daddy is increasing his knowledge about fighting fires?

Can you guess?

Really think about it...


That's right. Last night my oldest found the Easter Egg stuff in the pantry and asked to dye eggs. "Why not?" I thought. We seem to have some time on our hands this week.

Never mind the stacks of laundry from the trip, or the messy house. Those will still be there tomorrow.

The egg stuff would technically still be there tomorrow too, but I may not be feeling so agreeable about it another day!

We had a great time. I don't think the little guy remembered doing this at Easter. He kept trying to eat the eggs without taking the shell off first.

Maybe next week we'll decorate Valentine cookies.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You are making wise choices! And you have reminded me that we have Easter Egg dye in our pantry, too!