Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ellow Bug In Dere

This is a conversation I had with my 1 year old yesterday.

Him: “Ear hurts here.”

Me: “Your ear hurts?”

Him: “Uh-huh.” (his new favorite word)

Me: “Why does it hurt?”

Him: “A bug in dere (there).”

Me: “You have a bug in your ear?”

Him: “Uh-huh.”

Me: Wondering where this might be going…”is it a big bug or a little bug?”

Him: “Big bug.”

Me: “What color is it?”

Him: “Ellow.”

Me: “You have a yellow bug in your ear?”

Him: “Uh-huh.”

Me: Hmmm…now what?...”What should we do with it?”

Him: “Get it out.”

Me: “How should we get it out?”

Him: Blank stare.

Me: “You want it out?”

Him: “Uh-huh.”

Me: “Where will we put it.”

Him: “On the for-or (floor). Frow it on for-or.”

Me: “Okay.” I pretend to get it out. “There, I think I got it. Is it out now?”

Him: “NO. Get it out!”

I have no idea what is going on in his ear. In fact, he just finished a round of antibiotics yesterday for a sinus infection, so his ear shouldn’t be infected.

He even told grandma and grandpa last night that his ear hurts and that there is a “ellow bug in dere.”

If I have even one night of screaming I’m taking him in so the doctor can get the yellow bug out.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'd believe every word he says because up until now I thought he said everything was green...?