Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day

School is back in session.

This always comes with mixed emotions.  By mid-August, I have been back to work full-time for about two weeks, and the boys are being shuffled back and forth between grandparents.

This wears me out.  

The boys think it is pretty great.

So by the third week of August, I am typically ready to get them back into the school routine.

They are not always so sure.

The little one looks a bit skeptical about it all.  The big one doesn't seem sure whether he is in grade 4.......4 1/2.....or 5.  

A good mom would have made sure the boys had haircuts at some point in the last three months.  Or at least before school started.  In my defense, I had them scheduled for haircuts on Tuesday.  However, when an offer to go swimming appeared, I relented and rescheduled them to Thursday.

Speaking of haircuts, this has been a continual fight with the 10 year old.  He has once again decided that he

I have nothing against long hair.  In fact, sometimes I like it better than short hair.  However, when the head in question has a cowlick the size of....well....a just looks a little bit odd.

I have about 18 hours to debate forcing a haircut  vs. taking the 'who cares, it's just hair' stance.

This guy gets this sweet gal as his fifth grade teacher.

I had a little moment this morning when it hit me that 16 years ago I started my teaching career in this very classroom.  Now I have my own 5th grader who is going to have an amazing year with his fabulous teacher.

One would think that this may be how the little guy is feeling about school this year.

And, granted, he would much rather be catching snakes and lizards.


When your aunt is your incredible 2nd grade teacher, you just can't go wrong with school.  My poor sister-in-law has not only her nephew, but her own daughter.  She is going to be one worn out soul, but the kids think it is great! 

 And here we go....the craziness begins.

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