Sunday, February 19, 2012

Flu Shot...or Not?

Every year it's the great debate at my house.  To get a flu shot....or not to get a flu shot....that is the question.  It's mostly a debate in my own head.  I know what most doctors tell me, and then I read articles about potential dangers, and then I never know what to do. 

Really...anything is like that.  Research any topic and within an hour one could make a strong debate for two opposite points of view.  I love Google, and I hate it.  Someone told me the other day that Google is Satan's 2nd cousin.  At times, I could not agree more.

We usually get the flu shot.  It is always a horrible experience because my youngest can get the flu mist and my oldest has to have the shot.  Something about that just doesn't sit well with the child.

This year time got away from us.  I know time is not a reason not to get shots.  It's like someone saying they don't have time to get insulin for their diabetic child.  It's dumb.

But something else was holding me back this year, too.  I don't really know what, just a feeling that I was not supposed to.  It's highly possible that I was just trying to find a reason for not making time.

This past week, however, has made me wonder. I was home three days with the little guy.  He sounded like a barking seal.  It ended up being bronchitis and not influenza, which made me feel better.  The long nights and the midnight trip to the ER for an out of control screaming child with an ear infection, however, made me feel.........well, tired. 

Twenty-four hours later my oldest started crashing.  A little fever.  A little coughing.  Then - WHAM - 104 fever and a lot of miserableness.  (Is that a word?) 

He's not feeling so hot.  He looks suspiciously like flu.  The kind I may have avoided with that little shot.

In fact, this morning I went into his room to check on him, and he moaned and rolled over.  He said, "Mom, is this why you usually take us to get flu shots?"

I told him, yes, this is why.

He sadly looked at me and said, "I think they are definitely worth it."

I was completely speechless, and instantly knew how awful he must really feel.

I don't know that this has ended the great flu shot debate for me.  It's too late this  year, but I'm sure I will feel in just as much of a quandary next year as I always do.  However, at the moment, I am regretting my current lack of flu protection.

I am a sitting duck just waiting for the inevitable. 


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We always get the shot. I had influenza one winter (an entire week of misery) and when the Dr told me I could have prevented it or atleast had a "milder" case had I gotten the shot, well, I was sold from then on out. I agree. Everybody does has opinion on it. Sorry :-(