Friday, December 23, 2011

Too Cute Not To Post

Each year for Christmas, my son's kindergarten teacher makes every child in her class a pillow case.  She picks out material that best fits what they love, and then she slaves over her sewing machine for hours.  Pillowcases range from spiderman and robots to girly flowers and ballet dancers.  Any guesses on what my little guy's pillowcase had on it?


There is no way she could have picked anything else. 

Unless there is material which depicts the child who is always out of his seat.


His teacher also pins a cute little poem to the pillow case about remembering to pray for their teacher when they lay their heads down at night. 

My little guy came home from school SO excited about his new "pillow sheet".  He showed me the note and told me that in order for him to keep the pillow sheet he had to pray for his teacher.  I told him that is a great reminder for his bedtime prayers. 

Apparently he meant RIGHT NOW.  I'm not sure why he thought the pillow case would go away if he didn't pray for her, but he dropped to the floor and launched into a very sincere prayer.

"Dear Lord,
Thank you for my teacher and everything she does for me.
Please help [teacher's name] to get done everything she hasn't gotten done. (Love this!)
Please help her to have a good Christmas.

I probably shouldn't take pictures during prayer, but I just couldn't help myself.

Childlike faith....if only we could all remember that it doesn't have to be more complicated than this!


Anonymous said...

Love this, Rhonda! :) What a sweet prayer! :)

Evy said...

Wow what a testimony of childlike faith...great parenting!!