Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First Snow

We just had the first snowstorm of the season. 

It had been forecasted for days.  The Winter Storm Watch was issued on Saturday.  It turned into a Warning on Sunday.  They were calling for 6 - 10 inches of snow and 35 mph winds from Monday evening through Tuesday evening.

We finished up our shopping a day early.  We redid the schedule at school and made Plan B for final exams in case we had to close school.

It rained for most of the day Monday.  Then it gradually turned into sleet, and eventually to snow.

When daddy came home from work today, he and the 5 yo went outside to play in the snow.  They threw snow balls and worked on building a snowman until it was dark outside.

Unfortunately, instead of 6-10 inches, we got about 1 centimeter.  And it literally took nearly every spot of snow in the entire yard to build the prized snowman. 

So glad they warned us about this one.                              

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