Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is It Christmas Break Yet???

Someone just mentioned to me this week that they may start a blog.

I, of course, said what a great idea this was, and as we talked, I heard these words come out of my mouth: "One key to a great blog is to make sure that you post nearly every day."

And then I laughed at myself for a long time.  Offering advice on great blogging techniques is just, well......funny. 

I know that my statement is true.  The best bloggers are consistent and they keep people coming back for more. 

I know this.  I have great intentions.  And gets in the way.

Like sick kids.  And papers to write.  And more sick kids.  And finals to take.  On a random side note, writing finals is much more fun than taking finals.

I saw a facebook status this week that I love.  My friend said, "I wish I would 'Stress Exercise'."

Amen to that.  I've got Stress Eating down to a perfected science.  I could use a shift in stress management methods. 

At this very moment, 4:07 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, I would like to crawl in bed, pull the covers over my head, and forget about everything looming in front of me that needs to be accomplished.

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I am 2 1/2 questions away from being done with class until February.  Never mind that 2 1/2 questions will equal at least 3-4 pages; if I look really hard, I can see the finish line. Couple that with 12 1/2 days until Christmas break, and there is a small chance that my sanity may remain in check. 

The stress eating....that is yet to be determined.

But which is more important to worry about, my sanity or an extra 10 lbs?

At least I would get new clothes out of the deal.

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