Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stormy Night Life

9:45 - Finally get the 6 yo to bed after an evening of storms.

10:50 - "Mom! Mom! Mom! Get in here. I see lightening!"

10:55 - Back to sleep.

10:59 - "Mom! Mom! Mom! I need you in...." Falls asleep mid-sentence.

11:03 - "Mom! Mom!"

11:04 - Back asleep.

11:06 - "MOOOOMMMMMM!!!!"

11:07 - Relocate 6 yo to my bedroom floor.

11:30 - "Mom. Where are you?"

11:59 - "Mom! I heard thunder!"

12:22 - "Mom. Are you there?"

12:50 - "Mom?"

1:30 - "Mom! Where are you?"

1:33 - Relocate 6 yo to living room couch and myself to the living room floor so my husband can sleep.

1:35 - Husband comes out to check radar. He feels sorry for me, so he goes to the truck for all the blankets we took camping, and he makes me a bed on the floor.

1:55 - "Mom? Are you there?"

2:20 - "Okay, Josh." (So he finally sleeps and STILL wakes me up with his dreaming!)

2:45 - "What was that?"

3:30 - "Mom!"

And then peace.

Until 6:30 when he threw a pillow on my head and woke me up.

And then he went back to sleep.

Until 8:00.


1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

And Connor slept through it? It's reversed at our house...to an extent. Cale doesn't hear a thing, Elena hears the thunder, runs into our room and climbs into bed where she sleeps soundly through the storms as long as she's gripping one of us tightly. You can still sleep, but you awaken with a few bruises!