Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day at the Lake

Day 1: From the mouth of the 6 yo: "I'm not getting on that thing! It's too scary!"
Morning of Day 2: After seeing his 3 yo brother ride it the day before..."Maybe I'll give it a try."
I guess he meant only if he could drive. Here he is getting started.

And here he is getting a little braver....

And a little braver...

The 3 yo, however, said: "SPEED. I AM SPEED. Who says I have to be able to see over the handlebars to drive?"

Afternoon of Day 2: After watching daddy tube behind the boat, the 3 yo started begging and crying to try it. So here he is on his first ride. You couldn't have paid the 6 yo enough money to get on that thing.

Bad pictures. Fun ride.

Looks like we did our job as parents. And we didn't even have to use Benadryl.

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