Sunday, June 28, 2009

Harvest Week Happenings

~A few combine rides.
~A few wheat truck rides.
~A few allergic reactions.
~Lots and lots of medicine.
~A few tears.
~A few sleepless nights.
~A few near-disasters.
~Lots and lots of 'Roid Rage.
~A few fights.
~A few timeouts.
~A few consequences.
~Lots and lots of frustration.
~A few bean-pickings.
~A few nights of bean-stemming.
~A few meals together.
~Lots and lots of family time.
~A few movies.
~A few holes of mini golf.
~A few hours of swimming.
~Lots and lots of hours on the wii.
~A few hysterical moments.
~A few hours of shopping.
~A few days of relaxation.
~Lots and lots of good times with company!

1 comment:

LR said...

And to think...the weeks of harvest make me so homesick!!! I hope the boys still had fun!!! :)