Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trying Something New

This was our $5.00 garage sale purchase on Saturday. For five bucks, we figured we had nothing to lose. Unless, of course, the beds decide to crash down on top of one another. That could get ugly.

We are still in the honeymoon period of putting the boys together in the same room. So far, so good, but I'm sure there will be a future post (most likely the not-so-distant future) where I will be lamenting the decision of moving them together. Like for example, when they are practically killing each other and I scream, "Go to your room!" so they can spend some time....together.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It helps in them learning the real meaning of the word sharing. :) It will be good for them. Great buy at a yard sale! You can make the bed into a fort now for adventure play too. There are endless possibilities! Have fun and good luck!