Wednesday, July 23, 2008

List of "Lasts"

Even though most people don't want to admit it, summer break as we know it is rapidly winding down. Lately we've been experiencing "the last" of several things that have ruled our lives for the past several weeks.

~The last bean picking (Hallelujah.) finally arrived. No more 6:00 a.m. garden experiences, no more stemming, cleaning, picking, stemming, cleaning, picking...

~And speaking of garden issues - the last corn day came and went as well. Out of the last six days of my life, three of them were spent putting up corn, which in our world means hours of husking, cleaning, cooking, chilling, and cutting off dozens and dozens of ears of corn - 728 ears of corn to be exact. My hands and wrists are SORE; seriously, the kind of sore you experience after missing 6 months in the gym and starting over again. And may I say once again how much I am not a gardening, farming kind of person? Don't get me wrong, I am completely indebted to my mother-in-law for managing the garden and purchasing the corn that stocks us for an entire year, but wow, it's A LOT of work.

~Last night the T-ball season came to an end, much to the chagrin of my 5 YO. He had a great experience, a fabulous coach, and fun kids on his team. I'm sad to see this end.

~Today is my last day of babysitting. Nearly two years ago I told a couple of friends I would help watch their kids off and on to help them out in a bind. That spiraled into full-time babysitting last year and part-time this year. As great as this has been for the boys to have friends over all the time, the time has come for me to have more time to get my own work done.

~Vacation time is nearing! This brings on a plethera of LAST meals I have to cook, LAST loads of laundry, LAST trips to the store, and LAST minute details that I need to go take care of!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love that your first 2 lasts make you sound like the "perfect farm wife" even when you swear that you are NOT!! =)