Sunday, July 6, 2008

More of the Same

Summer is moving right along, and life is still relatively boring. Some days boring drives me crazy, but right now I am okay with it. It means in the last two weeks no one has been to the ER, no one has been sick, no schedules have been overwhelmingly busy, everyone is pretty happy, and I'm feeling fairly rested.

But boring means I have nothing to write about.

The most exciting thing in my weekend was the local city fireworks. This is a small town event. And when I say small, I mean REALLY small. Instead of hiring individuals trained in setting off big-time fireworks, they have the volunteer fire department do it. I guess they figure if they can't have the people trained in lighting fireworks, they can at least have the people trained in putting out the fires that may occur.

I typically love fireworks. I look forward to the 4th every year -- until now. I learned this weekend that the big fireworks show loses all its glory when my own husband is shooting them off. Five minutes in, they had one explode right on the ground. I felt like my heart stopped beating for an eternity, and I had to force myself to stay in my seat. The show continued, which I knew was a good sign, and the ambulance stayed put. Deep breath.

About ten minutes later I saw several dark forms sprinting toward the fire trucks. Sure enough, two trucks headed out with lights and sirens. There's another reason not to have the firefighters light the fireworks - they are needed when people who are not at the show start fires with their own fireworks. So then I wonder, "Is my husband now out on a call? Or is he stuck here trying to run the entire show with half a crew?" Oh, so relaxing.

The show finally came to an end, and then I notice a fire burning on the ground where they had been launching fireworks. Again, I see dark shadows of people all quickly backing away from the fireworks that are on fire, truck lights soon appear out of nowhere, and the fire disappears almost instantly.

Finally. It's over. Happy Independence Day, America. You just took ten years off my life.

Like I said, boring is good.

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