Thursday, January 1, 2015

Uh Oh.

It's 2015.

Back in high school, that date seemed so far away, so futuristic, so...impossible.

Yet, here we are.

We are not traveling around like the Jetsons just yet, but I will be the first to admit that I wouldn't have guessed that we would be texting, Skyping, tweeting, messaging, and the myriad of other "ings" we can now do with technology.

Usually at this time of year I get serious about New Year's Resolutions. I contemplate the typical resolutions (all of which need to happen) and brainstorm some new and original ones that I might want to focus on. I evaluate how much I can take on at this point in my life (yikes!) and how doable my choices might be.

Then it hit me.

I turn 40 this year.


I have been bravely hanging onto the 30's for years now.  And, honestly, I like the 30's.  A lot.

40?  I'm just not feelin' it.

I have friends who tell me the 40's are the best years.  We'll see about that.

As I was processing this little issue, I realized that I have bigger problems than simply choosing a New Year's Resolution. You see, back in 2010, I made this little list. It's called my "40 Before 40". At that time, I was working part-time. Now I work full-time, plus. I may have been a bit overzealous in my planning.

I revisited my 40 Before 40 to get a scope of what I have not yet accomplished. order for me to achieve all 40, the first 6 months (my birthday is in June) of 2015 will need to look something like this:
  • Read 1 classic per month.
  • Landscape the front yard.
  • Visit the Mall of America, Niagra Falls, the Grand Canyon, and go on a Missions trip.
  • Exercise for about 2 hours a day to achieve that single-digit closet full of clothes.
  • Write an adoption book for my son.
  • Make a family recipe book.
  • Relearn to play the piano well.
  • Buy new living room furniture.
  • Go water skiing.
  • Try more foods that end with "ese"...Chinese, Japanese....
  • Spend about 1,000 hours scrapbooking to try to catch up.
  • Repaint all the walls in my house.
  • Volunteer more.
No problem.

I'll just need to make a few quit my job, send the kids to live with grandma, and decrease my sleep to about 2 hours a night.

And possibly win the lottery to fund it all.

Happy 2015! 

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