Monday, June 21, 2010

40 Before 40

Yesterday I turned 35. I'm still trying to say that without throwing up a little.

Five years until the big 4-0. I decided this is as good of time as any to make my 40 before 40 list. Half-way through the list, I started getting the feeling that I have done this before. If so, this is my updated, new-and-improved version.

In case no one has noticed, I'm not really the adventurous, adrenaline-junkie kind of girl. I've always wanted to be, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I was heavily dosed with the practical gene, and live on a budget. As a result, here is my somewhat boring, hopefully easily accomplished 40 before 40.

  1. Catch up on my kids' scrapbooks.
  2. Exercise faithfully. No more four weeks on, three weeks off. There is a reason no one markets that routine.
  3. Go on vacation for an entire week with just my immediate family, and not because work sent us.
  4. Read 5 classics recommended by my classic literature fanatic friend.
  5. Go snow skiing for the 2nd time. The first time was okay, but everyone says you have to go a second time to really enjoy it.
  6. Take my children to a professional football or baseball game.
  7. Visit at least half of the States. So far I think I've only been to 15.
  8. Develop and keep up a habit of drinking 6-8 glasses of water each day.
  9. Landscape - or better yet, hire someone - to landscape our front yard.
  10. Begin and maintain a well-tended garden.
  11. Go through the entire house, basement included, room by room, throw out junk, and organize everything.
  12. Go to the Mall of America.
  13. Complete a family scrapbook - One that my husband and I actually appear in.
  14. Read the Bible through in a year. I started this year, but at the rate I am going, I may hit the New Testament in 5 years.
  15. See the Grand Canyon.
  16. Get my Master's Degree.
  17. Repaint all the walls in my house.
  18. Remember my friends' and family members' birthdays by sending cards, calling, or at least sending emails.
  19. Get new living room furniture.
  20. Teach, by example, my kids to volunteer and think of others more.
  21. Eat less sugar.
  22. Begin recycling and keep it up faithfully.
  23. Relearn to play the piano well.
  24. See Niagara Falls.
  25. Make a family recipe book. I come from a family, and married into a family, with slews of amazing cooks. It would be sad not to pretend that I like to cook and document all of their fabulous recipes.
  26. Still be taking girls' weekends.
  27. Lay on a beach. Since we love going to the lake, let me qualify this by saying a beach at the local reservoir does not count. I should not be able to see land on the other side of the water.
  28. Write an adoption book for my son.
  29. Have my entire wardrobe be in a single digit size for the first time since I was twelve years old.
  30. Go on a mission trip, preferably a family mission trip.
  31. Tell my kids everyday that I love them.
  32. Spend more time putting others before myself.
  33. Consistently do family devotions.
  34. Visit my brother in Oregon.
  35. Lead a workshop at a Teacher Convention.
  36. Be able to run a 5K.
  37. Try more food that ends with -ese....Chinese....Japanese.....
  38. Spend an entire weekend at home without kids.
  39. Water ski for more than a minute without screaming.
  40. Practice saying "forty" so I don't pass out when the day arrives.

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