Friday, January 2, 2015


My youngest son's teacher asked him to work on his multiplication facts over Christmas break.  I can totally see why.  This is taking every ounce of patience I have, and I typically have a fairly strong reserve of it!

This child can ace every history and science test he has.  He remembers details about state, local, and national government, the electoral college, and our founding fathers (on a 3rd grade level, of course).  Information about conservation of matter, atoms, solutions, and chemical changes? No problem.

But math details....they just don't stick right now. 

Our practice session is sounding something like this...

Me: Okay, let's practice our 3's again.

Him: Okay.

Me: 3 x 6

Him: Was there a hot air balloon flight before the Wright Brothers had their first flight? Which came first?

Me: {Blank stare.} I think the hot air balloon.  Look at this one. What is 3 x 6?

Him: Do you think chickens glide?

Me: What??

Him: Do you think chickens glide?

Me: What are you talking about?

Him: I just wondered, if you threw a chicken up in the air, would it glide? You know, like a sugar glider. Would it glide like a sugar glider?

Me: What in the world is a sugar glider?

Him: It looks like a flying squirrel. You know, its legs and arms are connected with skin.

Me: Ok, of course.  What is 3 x 6?

Him: I don't know!!! 

I don't understand why not.  I mean, he's working so hard on studying these facts. Ha!

We've tried everything. Games, flashcards, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities, you name it, we've tried it. Except jumping on a trampoline.  That may be our next attempt - memorizing while jumping on a trampoline. Don't knock it.  I once had a student who couldn't pass a spelling test unless she was jumping up and down.

To his credit, tonight we learned that the first hot air balloon flight was in 1783 and the Wright Brother's flight was in 1903 (okay, I learned that one; he already knew the 1903 date).

We also learned about the differences between a sugar glider and a flying squirrel.

What we did NOT learn: 3 x 6.

There's always tomorrow.


Konnersmom03 said...

Yes!I totally understand! My Konner same problem! Math does not stay in his head! Every Lego, Mine craft, Halo, weapon type, or historical factoid yes!

Unknown said...

I guess the math problems will have to wait, huh? I would've chosen sugar gliders as the better topic between the two as well, if you ask me. Haha! And even though you guys did not end up knowing what 3 x 6 is that time, at least it's pretty clear that flying squirrels are no sugar gliders. I mean, suggies are clearly more adorable, right? :)

Sherri Briggs @ The Pet Glider

flute4peace said...

I'm sorry but this had me rolling! Kyndell used to study spelling words by walking in circles (no it didn't help - he's still an awful speller lol)