Friday, October 21, 2011

Summin' it all up

I have four separate posts going about stuff I want to remember, weird things my kids did, or thought provoking moments from the past week.  It is becoming evident that I will never finish any of those posts.

Hence, the cliff notes version.

My oldest son will be nine next week.  Third grade does not seem old to me.  Nine does.  It is halfway to 18, halfway to adulthood, halfway to moving away to college.  Gulp. 

Last week he made it official that he is getting older.  He asked me if I saw a particular second grade girl on that day and described to me how she looked.  Part of his description included "she looked really cute."  I picked my jaw up off the floor and continued the conversation like any cool mom would.  I'm not sure if he has any idea that this was not a typical topic for him to discuss, and that this is an indication of what is yet to come in the next several years.  Regardless, it made me realize that he is growing up.

Speaking of girls....I was just informed at school this afternoon that my 5 year old was holding hands with a little girl all the way from his classroom to the library.  This would be the same girl who "has bright blue eyes just like you, mommy....".  Oh my.

On a different note, people sometimes ask me why I chose to go into the field of education.  The initial answer was, "It was the only way to get to be a Guidance Counselor."  The initial answer has never occurred.  The more important question is probably, "Why did you choose to stay in education?"

The list is lengthy.  Although not the most important, one of the reasons I love it is because no two days are ever exactly the same.  Each day brings new challenges and rewards.  Yesterday I visited two different schools and met with four different administrators.  We talked education for hours. 

Today I was back in my building and at various points throughout the day tackled assessment research, newsletter writing, curriculum and grading questions, phone answering, copy machine repairing, and a dose of nursing and janitorial work.  All different.  All important. 

There is more, but I have realized I am rambling.

I may love education, but I will obviously never be a writer of Cliff Notes.


Jamie said...

Um, the nursing/janitorial work was WAY WAY above your call as an educator. And I am forever grateful!!

~Kristin~ said...

We met up with "9" this morning....
Happy day for the newly turned 9 year old.
Sad day for the already 41 year old.
Where does the time go.
Nine years from now....
Forget it.
Let's not speak of it or even think of it!
Goodbye 8.
Hello 9.

Stephanie said...

Nine is old. The bright blue eyes like mommy is priceless. Hold on tight - they grow up way too fast.