Sunday, October 16, 2011


My 5 year old loves bugs.

This is no secret.

It is also no secret that this extreme intense obsessive infatuation with bugs drives me a little bit crazy.

It seems that his sole purpose of existence revolves around what creepy-crawly he can find next.  He goes to the lake to find bugs and spiders.  He goes to school so he can find bugs and spiders at recess.  He plays outside at home to...well, you get the idea.  If a snake or lizard happens to be found in the process, dead or alive, it's all the more exciting.

For him.

Not me.


Last week at school his kindergarten teacher caught him being very sneaky with his scissors. After a short investigation she found that he had cut a square out of the polo shirt he was wearing.  When she asked him why he did it, this is what he said, "I need to feed my moth, and moths eat clothes!"  Really???

For awhile my greatest fear was that he was going to bring some big brown spider into my house and I would find it crawling in my bed. 

Then my fear turned to the fact that if he keeps collecting moths, he may soon not have any clothes to wear.

Now, as the weather is turning colder, my fear is what is this poor child going to do when it freezes and there are no more bugs to catch?

Will there be tears and tantrums every day?  Will he demand to know who killed all the bugs? 

I am holding out one shred of hope.  This bug-crazed child of mine is...ummmm....a tad attention-span deprived.  It is technically possible that as soon as he sees the first snowfall, or something equally as exciting, that he may have a significant lapse of memory regarding his bug addiction.

One can only hope.

In the meantime, however, plans may be in motion for someone to get something for Christmas that lives in a cage...

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