Monday, August 1, 2011

Here We Go....

Today marks the first day in nine years of working full time. 

Needless to say, I am nervous. 

So far, the kids are excited about going to grandma's house most days until school starts.  So far, the laundry is caught up and the meals are planned for the week.  So far, everyone is happy and rested.

So far....

But it is only Monday. 

I have a strange little feeling that by next week we might not all be feeling so cheery and organized. 

I will be working while the kids are in school - at the same school.  I get to take them there and take them home.  I can walk down a hallway and eat lunch with them whenever I want.  When June and July come around, my hours decrease significantly.  So, for a "full-time" job, I really can't complain. 

There are a few aspects, however, that make me sad. 

There are the obvious things - not as much time at home, less time to read for fun, less time to stay on top of the daily stuff that just has to get done.

Another shift will be my time with friends.  Not that I spend a ton of time just hanging out with friends, but being at home afforded the luxury of virtual time chatting online, which fills a void when you can't drop everything and meet at the coffee shop to catch up or the park for a kid play-date. 

The more I work, the more I find myself less aware of the needs of others.  This is hard to admit, but it is reality.  I don't take the time to look outside of my life as much as I should and reach out like I should.  This is one area I am going to try really hard to work on.

I never thought I would second-guess working.  For that matter, I never thought I would NOT work.  My mom was a career woman, and I followed suit.  I was surprised several years ago when I discovered I wanted to pull way back and stay home much more.

The plan was always to go back when the kids were in school.  And now here we are....

Only time will tell how it goes. 


Stephanie said...

I had no idea today was the big day. I will miss you during the day but you will do great.

Nancy said...

It is a balancing act, but I think it is definitely possible to do it all...well, my house is a mess. But, we don't have bugs or smells. well, we do have ants sometimes.

Nancy said...

If I can be a resource, please reach out...I don't think I do it perfectly by any means, but I do try really hard to make time for all three of us! Including myself.