Saturday, May 14, 2011

"When I Grow Up I Want To Be....."

My second grade son had an assignment at school. 

Write one sentence telling what you would like to be when you grow up.

He wrote - "When I grow up I want to be a teacher."

My heart swelled.  I was so proud. My son was already realizing the great importance of education and wanted to follow in my footsteps.  Not only that, but he even wrote his answer in a complete sentence by restating the important information, and he used proper capitalization and punctuation! {content sigh}

The second part of the assignment was as follows:

Write three reasons why you want to be that when you grow up.

He wrote - "I want to be a teacher when I grow up because I'm good at school.  Another reason why I want to be a teacher is because it's not a hard job.  There is another reason and that is I don't have to work as long." 

WHAT!?!?  Proud mama to 'you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me' mama in .3 seconds flat.

Not a hard job?

Don't have to work as long??

My sincere apologies to all my teacher friends.  I have failed as an educator-mother. 

However, his teachers have apparently been amazing and have made the job look EASY. appears that he has not felt neglected, abused, or emotionally scarred from all of the HOURS of work I have done at home preparing for teaching.  It seems he has not even noticed. can bet that if he actually does become a teacher, I will be checking in on him in roughly 15 years with this post in hand. 

1 comment:

Gigi McCullough said...

This post makes me smile!! :) Zach will make a fine teacher in the future and he will probably make it look EASY! I look forward to watching him accomplish it. :)

P.S. You just never know - I knew I wanted to be a teacher in 3rd grade.

Love, Mrs. McCullough