Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

Before you say...."It's a good thing we are not sleeping at home tonight.  The wind is so loud today I think we would have to camp out downstairs.".......

Make sure you really AREN'T SLEEPING AT HOME.

Also choose your words carefully and think of a new phrase for "CAMP OUT". 

Otherwise, things will end up looking something like this.

We were supposed to leave for Nebraska yesterday at 4:00 p.m.  At 12:55 p.m., my husband's fire pager went off.  They were being called to a large grass fire.  The winds were blowing at a solid 30-35 mph, gusting to 50-60 mph. 

He hesitated, knowing there was a chance this could be a LONG call, and unsure if he would be back by 4:00, but knowing it could be a very bad situation.  The 2nd page made up his mind.  When you are part of a volunteer fire dept., you go as much as you can, but you don't typically go when you have plans to leave town.  However, a 2nd page means if you are located anywhere remotely close to being able to respond and you are not sick to the point of dying, you really need to get there. 

So he went.

Four came and went.  As did 5:00 and 6:00.

At 7:00, the grandparents and I took the boys to McDonalds to lessen the blow of not going on the weekend trip.

Around 8:00, daddy came home, hoping they wouldn't be called back to the scene.

Around 8:30, as we started the teeth-brushing, bedtime routine, my son reminded me, WORD FOR WORD, about what I had said about the wind and "camping out". 

And the fact that their trip to Nebraska got canceled.

I hate that he remembers everything.

S'mores, anyone?

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