Friday, April 29, 2011

Move On, Murphy

Sometimes my blog sits unattended for days and weeks because I have nothing to say.

But sometimes it simply has to do with time.

I started a post about my amazingly quick trip to Illinois, and how much I love my family out there.

I took pictures for a post about Easter.

I have wanted to document my new attempt at gardening.

But, as my colleague just said to me yesterday, "Life has snuck up and jumped me from behind."

That could not be more true.  These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind.  At moments it has felt more like a tornado, but in light of the weather the south just experienced, I can safely say that I am probably closer to whirlwind status.

However, Murphy's Law has landed right smack in the middle of my world.

In the past few weeks I have wasted countless hours searching for important flash drives, my cell phone, a school contract, a much-needed notebook, and two lost books. 

Fortunately, I have found everything except the books.

Unfortunately, I need to have one of the books read by Thursday.  I am on Chapter 1.

It is time for Murphy to pack up and move on. 

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