Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weekend Top 10

A year or so ago several of my blogger friends used to do a weekly Top 10. Then we got lazy, or bored, or ran out of ideas, so we eventually stopped.

But sometimes things happen in life that simply deserve a top ten.

Last weekend was one of those times.

So here goes....10 Things From the Weekend that We Should Never Forget....

  1. NEVER say NEVER. You really are just asking for something to happen.
  2. God still has a sense of humor.
  3. Time changes things....perspective, expectations, judgments, emotions...and it's usually for the better.
  4. There are a few decisions in this world that just cannot be driven by money (or the lack thereof).
  5. Things like filthy houses and stacks of laundry suddenly become of little importance when God decides to throw down a miracle.
  6. Outback Steakhouse is one of my new favorite restaurants (somewhat of a side note, but not completely).
  7. I love new babies and new baby names. Especially when they belong to someone else. :)
  8. Did I mention God has a sense of humor?
  9. Waiting is hard. Whether it is for minutes, hours, or days, patience is not an easy thing.
  10. Adoption is BEAUTIFUL. And amazing, wonderful, scary, and joyous. But most of all beautiful.


Emily said...

Oh, I can't wait to hear the story behind this post! :)

~Kristin~ said...

Trying to read between the line on this one... ;o)