Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our Weekend

This weekend was packed with food, fun, and friends.

And pictures? Not so much. I am realizing that the older my kids get, the fewer pictures I take. I think my brain is subconsciously telling my camera-clicking finger 'No more! She's already two years behind on her scrapbooks!'

But I did manage to get a few shots.


Because every mother needs a picture of her kids and their friends with the Cox Communications alien-looking.....thing. What, you don't all have one?

My son loves this girl. They are quite a pair! I am o.k. with this, because honestly, the girls are always going to be two feet taller than him, even if he would stick to his own age.
And my other son, who obviously couldn't be outdone by his younger brother. He apparently prefers the younger chicks -- probably thinks he can boss them around. Watch out son, I hear redheads are trouble! Good thing we know this sweet little gal.

The parade also had lots of great floats, bands, and cars. You just wouldn't know it from my camera.

FRIDAY NIGHT -- Dinner with friends!

No pictures, but I think my stomach is still recovering from all the laughing.


My husband's company picnic was at the zoo today. I packed the camera, I really did, it just never saw the light of day.

Here's the rundown.

We saw monkeys.
We saw reptiles.
We saw camels.
We played Bingo. (Picnic tradition!)
We ate lunch.
We saw giraffes.
We saw rhinos.
We saw kangaroos.
We saw bears.
We heard lions fighting.
We missed it.
We saw lions.
We went through the museum.
We came home.
Two minutes after we walked through the door....

Guess who made dinner?

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

Aw, cute pic of Z and E! (but you are right, red heads are trouble! But the sweet, wonderful kind!)