Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Camping Experiments

For the most part, last weekend was a pretty typical hanging out at the lake with friends weekend. But, as I looked through my pictures, I realized what strange (and therefore hilarious) things we attempted.

Experiment #1: We had a minor major complete freak out moment involving ants crawling all over a person who will remain nameless. After closer inspection, she found massive ant colonies climbing up and down the pole she was leaning against, and immediately asked if I had any cinnamon.


Apparently ants will not cross cinnamon.

So we tried it.

Who knew? It worked!

Experiment #2: This very odd suggestion came from a man in the group - Mr. Will Remain Nameless. Grilled banana anyone?

Not your thing? How about if we add some chocolate?

Mr. Will Remain Nameless gave it a half-hearted thumbs up. Mr. Blog-writer's Husband gave it an emphatic thumbs down. The wives ran away screaming when asked if they wanted some.

Experiment #3: How many people can you fit in a hammock?

Two isn't so bad.

Four? Not so much.

Two adults isn't perfect, but not terrible. As long as you reeeaaallllyyy like the other person.

Experiment #4: Catching fish with a dip net.

This is somewhat of a struggle, but possible, if you are an adult male. It is as easy as walking and breathing if you are this amazing girl.

Experiment #5 - Cooking Chicken 'n Dumplings over the Campfire.

Ms. Will Remain Nameless caught much grief from me as she was slaving over her cast-iron-dutch-oven-over-a-campfire while I was sitting in my lawnchair watching my husband grill our food.

There was no shortage of Little House on the Prairie 'Half Pint' jokes flying around.

But I have to admit....YUMMO!!

Experiment #6: What do you do on the boat when the little tykes start to get restless?


I am dying to know if anyone can guess who he is trying to be at this moment.

Here is a clue - the adults knew right away who he was, but the kids did not have a clue.

It was awesome!

1 comment:

carolyn said...

OH!!! i know! i know! pick me!