Friday, April 2, 2010

A Little Bit of Prophecy

A few weeks ago my children attended their great-grandfather's funeral. He had been in a nursing home the past four years, and wheelchair bound the entire time. This is the only way my boys remember him.

This week my 4 year old's preschool class went to a local nursing home for an Easter egg hunt. My dad picked up my son from preschool and asked him about his day. The conversation went something like this:

Grandpa: "How was your day, buddy?"

4 yo: "Great! We went on an Easter egg hunt!"

Grandpa: "Oh yeah? Where was it at?"

4 yo: "At the nursing home."

Grandpa: "How did you get there?"

4 yo: "We rode a bus!"

Grandpa: "Did you visit any people at the nursing home?"

4 yo: "Yeah, but grandpa, I think a lot of them are about ready to go to heaven."

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