Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog Change?

I'm having trouble keeping up with my blog. Not because I don't want to. Not because I can't find the time. Just because I can't think of a single thing to write about.
So I started looking into the different kinds of blogs I could write to help me post on a more regular basis.

I could do a food blog.

But it would mostly look like this.
So that is out.

I could do a home improvement blog.

But it would look something like this.
So that's really not an option either.

I could do a scrapbooking blog.

But it would look something like this.

Because I haven't had any time for scrapbooking.

I could write a job blog, enthralling you with my passion for education.

But you would look like this.

Guess I'm out of luck.


Huxman Family said...

Your scrapbooking looks like mine:) Haven't done a page in 3 years (since Andrew was born). What does that tell you about him???? Love the pictures depicting the results. Cute!

Brandon said...

You're blogs always crack me up. I look forward to them! This one did too.

Jamie said...

Funny!! Is that really your kitchen? Did you have to open drawers and empty your cupboards to get that "look"? I'm lovin' it!!

kranberry216 said...

I love your blog just the way it is!!

Stephanie said...

I love your blog, too. THAT looks like YOUR kitchen but that is a lot of stuff on the counters. Do you need help? LOL