Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Little Life Update

On a positive note, things are looking up in my technology world. The computer guy called today and he has saved everything off my old computer on CDs. WHEW. My husband is currently looking online for a new laptop to order. YAY.

On a sadder note, my little guy had a visit to the ENT today. His tonsils are huge, his adenoids are huge, and he tries to clear his throat about 80 times each day. The solution: surgery. We told him that taking his tonsils out would help his throat, and that he could eat ice cream and jello and popsicles. He was not convinced. The poor guy looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I don't think I want to have my tonsils taken out!"

On a confusing note, we have been inundated with adoption questions lately. Having more children was not on our to do list this year, or any other year for that matter. But five, yes FIVE, people have talked to us in the last month about one adoption situation or another. And three of those have been in the last four days. I'm not sure what God has up his sleeve, but I'm keeping in mind that His to do list is more important than mine.

And on a funny note, I was just chatting with a friend on facebook. She told me she had to go sing the good night song to Lance and Guin before she tucked them in for the night. It took me a second to realize that she was talking about her BIRDS! It's so nice to know I have friends that are weirder than I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! I'm not weird...I just love my pets and they love having a bedtime song! Today Guin landed on Caleb's hat and rode around on his head. She had a blast! Caleb liked it until she pooped on his hat. LOL!