Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What Plan?

I have never really liked change.

I like a plan. With details. Preferably several days or months ahead of time.

I had a plan. It included a leisurely work schedule, time to get my house in order, 2 entire days and 2 other entire afternoons each week to get things done.

This plan has changed.

Things happen.

We readjust.

I will form a new plan. It will include things like working at least part of every day, making lesson plans, grading, covering a maternity leave, working full time for at least six weeks, and a bit less free time.

OK, a lot less free time.

Don't get me wrong. I was not held at gunpoint and forced to make this new plan.

I got to choose. And I chose it.

So I'm honestly not complaining, I'm readjusting.

There are many things I like about the new plan.

And a couple of things I don't.

Apparently it's time for me to grow again, and I'm OK with that.

I just hope it doesn't hurt too much.


Stephanie said...

I miss chatting with you. Selfish me but good for you!

Casey said...

Oh, I feel so out of touch with you!! We need to get together again very soon!