Sunday, July 12, 2015

10 Hours...5 States

Yesterday morning we set out for a fun-filled day of driving in the car.


State 1: Missouri
State 2: Illinois
State 3:

State 4:
State 5:

...Which we crossed into for literally all of five minutes before we curved back into Tennessee for our stay.

Sorry, Missouri and Illinois, we travel to you so much each year that you are apparently no longer picture worthy.

However, we did notice something unique about Missouri. Their tax-payer dollars are at work in the form of driver's education. I wish I had taken a picture of these signs as we flew past them:

"Changing lanes? Show me your blinker!"
"Using turn signals to change lanes...the original instant message."
"It's a passing lane...not a cruising lane."
"Pass on on right."

I was always under the impression that one was supposed to know these things prior to getting a driver's license.

Maybe not.

We took Missouri's advice, and finally made it to stop #2. Here's our little home for the next 2 nights.

Travel Tip #2: Don't forget to pack hairspray. I have no idea how this happened, but it was a sad surprise this morning, especially when traveling to locales with 184% humidity.

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