Sunday, October 27, 2013

This Kid

Eleven years.

We all say it, but I have no idea where the time has gone.

This kid was the first to....keep me up all night, make me feel protective love like I had never experienced before, make me pace the floors with worry, and call me mama.

This weekend he turned 11.


This morning I asked him to help me out with his birthday blog.  He groaned and reluctantly asked what I wanted him to do.  I told him all I needed from him was a list of the 11 most important things in his life right now. 

He didn't think that sounded too hard, and in 7 minutes time, this is what he handed me.

1. God
2. Family (Parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins)
3. Friends
4. Neighbors
5. Teachers
6. Sports
7. Motorcycling
8. Drums
9. Camping
10. Farming
11. KU

That pretty much sums up my birthday boy.

I keep staring at that list trying to think of something witty to say, but in reality, it kind of chokes me up. 

No additional words needed.

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