Saturday, July 23, 2011

Holding It Together.....Or Not

I'm sure I have mentioned this multiple times in the past several weeks, but this has not been my favorite summer.  Aside from the never-ending heat and dry weather that is wearing us all down, this summer has just been too FULL.

Most of it has been my own doing.  We have had the typical baseball, VBS, swimming lesson, and harvest things going on.  That is all normal.  Add into that the summer dentist and orthodontic appointments, the "Oh, how I love to be a female" appointments, and the yearly CT and bloodwork appointments, and life fills up pretty quickly.

I also chose this summer to start my master's degree.  Again, my fault.  We knew we would be jumping into some craziness by making this decision; however, after analyzing time frames and getting some great friend advice, we decided that right now when both boys are in elementary school is better than attempting it when they are in junior high and high school. 

What I did not expect was to be working quite so much this summer.  I knew my job would entail some summer hours, and I also knew that once August hit, I could pretty much kiss summer good-bye.  However, what I thought was going to potentially be a jam-packed two weeks of summer turned into a VERY crazy six weeks, and has at points become a tad overwhelming.

In the mix of this, I have been trying to document my teaching experience and upgrade my teaching license.  Several years ago, our state made it more difficult for a stay-at-home mom or a private school teacher to keep a professional license.  I had a five year period of time where I did some of both, and my license suffered for it.  I have been on a quest for a few years to move from a Conditional license back up to Professional.  This is important not only because it is a personal goal, but because it affects my master's program, and my ability to take an enormous state test at the end of my program.

Mix all of the above situations together.  Stir for several weeks.  Add a severe lack of sleep and fighting children.  Bring to a boil.  Then call the state education department to check on the status of said license. 

This, my friends, is a recipe for disaster.  As soon as the lady at the state office told me my upgrade had been denied, I lost it.  Not uncontrollable, can't-catch-a-breath sobbing, but tears streaming down my face, can't-speak-a-full-sentence crying.  I was SO EMBARRASSED. 

I suddenly thought of a time six years ago when I was at my OB-GYN's office right after our 6th miscarriage.  I asked him what the Rose symbol on the front of my file was for.  He said it was to alert the doctors and nurses that the patient was there due to problems with a pregnancy, so they wouldn't come in with the "we're so happy you are expecting" smile. 

This left me wondering....what is the file symbol at the state education department for "EMOTIONAL FREAK"??!!

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

SHEESH! That's a lot to absorb. That saying "God never gives you more than you can handle" - well, just remember that he must REALLY trust and have a lot of faith in you! Because in all of these years, I can attest that you ALWAYS come out on top, beating all of the odds and WINNING. And you will again. Take a deep breath, say a prayer, and reset. It will all be ok. Let me know if you want to talk (or cry, yell, whatever).