Friday, June 10, 2011

Repeat After Me

On the way home tonight, my boys were playing the "Repeat" game.  It was my five year old's idea.  He would make a sound, and then his brother would echo that sound.  It went on for awhile, and surprisingly, it entertained the two of them for awhile.

When we were almost home, I jumped in with my version of the game.  I made them repeat after me.

I will
Not have to take a bath
But I will
Take a bath first thing in the morning
With no complaining.

They actually willingly said each line.

Then my five year old said, "Repeat after me."  And he led us through the following.

I will
Bless my heart.
Unto God
And my soul
Forever and ever.

I was a little shocked.  I asked him if someone taught him those phrases.  He said no, that he just made it up.  I praised him quite a bit for coming up with a cool "Repeat."

A few seconds later, my 8 year old said it was his turn.  I was pretty sure that he was going to one-up his little brother and start quoting Psalm 100 or something similar.  He said, "Repeat after me."

I will
Not take a bath

Very deep and spiritual.

So in the spirit of the game, I took my turn.

Then I
Will not
Let you live
In my house

We are very mature around here.

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