Thursday, October 28, 2010


I've been pondering this word lately.

I've decided that I am a messed up mix of incredibly balanced and not even close all at the same time.

I love balance in my life. I like not too loud, but not too quiet. I don't like to be stuck at home all the time, but I don't always want to be on the run either. A little craziness, a little silliness.

I like balance when it comes to finances. All spending recorded, always aware of what is coming in and going out, checkbook balanced to the penny.

I want balance for my kids. I desire for them to be "sheltered" (although I hate that word) enough to protect them, but not so much that they don't learn how to function in the "real world" (another phrase I'm not so fond of).

However, there seem to be some areas of continuous struggle when it comes to this thing called balance.

Bottom line -- I want to do too much.

I want to be everything to everyone, and we all know how that turns out. I end up being not great for anyone.

I love my husband, kids, friends, job, and church.....which leads me to taking on a bit too much on occasion.

Or possibly a lot too much most of the time.

I may not be so great at balance, but I am the queen of justification. I can always figure out why it would be okay to say yes to whatever situation I am pondering at the moment. I usually have a very valid point, and can put together a great argument. I'm not sure my husband is ever quite as convinced as I am, but he is gracious in his rebuttals.

So here's where I am stuck. I have identified the problem, which means I am no longer in denial, but I have absolutely no idea what to do about it.

I guess until I figure out how to balance, I am going to have to stick with "NO".

Need a babysitter? No thanks.
A substitute? Not today.
Help with something? Sorry.
Oh, you want dinner? Nah.

I'm liking this new plan already.

I'll let you know how it goes.


~Kristin~ said...

Funny you are writing about this. I just wrote about this too!
When you figure out the "secret" would you please pass it on?
Praying that the "no" sticks better with you than it does with me. :o)

kranberry216 said...

Learning to say "no" is one of the hardest lessons to learn as an adult (Funny how the kids have it mastered). I hope you succeed in finding your balance, and then sharing your wisdom!! Just don't let "no" mean canceling the plans you and I have, ok?! lol