Hundreds of facebookers have been using the month of November to focus on Thankfulness.
It makes sense. I get it. It is Thanksgiving after all.
I love all the posts. I really do. I read them almost every day and many of them have served as great reminders for me of ALL that I am thankful for.
But.....(you saw that coming, right?)....lately I have been facing several things that I am not so fond of. Nothing terrible or life-altering, just not so much fun.
PANDAS. Not a fan. I'm never exactly sure what is going on in my little guy's body. He is a bit of an emotional wreck lately. The tics have not set in as of yet, but December has typically been a very iffy month for him. Also January....February....and March. It could be a long winter.
Papers. I have been writing papers during my free time, my not-so-free time, and in my sleep. I am SO ready to be done, but alas, I have 12 of them left. Yes, 12. Three more (8 total) due by Dec. 19, and 9 more due by April 1.
Legos. OUCH. Enough said.
Children Fighting. Love the children. Hate the fighting. And the picking, irritating, egging on, and one-upping. I had very lofty expectations that my children would be kind and encouraging to each other, and, at times, they are. But other times... they wear me out.
I started writing this post two weeks ago. (Remember those papers? They sort of get in the way of blogging.)
The past two weeks my pastor has had sermons on none other than...."Being Thankful in all Circumstances".
Imagine that.
God and that sense of humor of His.
So I will try. I truly am thankful for my children....and legos for them to play with.....and to have the opportunity to be in grad school.
But PANDAS....
I have some serious work to do.
Not negative...honest. It's how I justify...
:) It is hard...there is the cliche of "just be thankful for your children's health" and now that has changed a bit for us. hang in there...
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